Sunday 6 September 2015

Late August: Looking Back - and Looking Forward

There are so many who have helped me realize this dream, so many who deserve my gratitude. 

I very much appreciate the hard work of the many BTC volunteers who have spent countless of their own hours painting blazes, building bridges and boardwalks, crafting steps out of logs, from the founders right through to the present day volunteers.

I also greatly appreciate the support and kind words from blog readers and Facebook friends.  They made sharing my experiences so easy. 

Julie's texts were an inspiration every day; I found myself eagerly awaiting the daily quote.  Trish's friendship absolutely shone the night she was prepared to dump her midnight shift, jump into her truck at 10:30 and drive three hours so I wouldn't be alone in a wilderness campsite in a thunderstorm.  The many kindnesses of Annette and Richard, Mandy and her family, Annie and Kris, Judy, Martin and Shalani, Shannon, Ted, Rhonda, Ron and Janet from the defunct B&B, Sandy Proudfoot, Violet and Adrian and their two girls, and many others I've met along the way, will never be forgotten.

But most of all, I am truly indebted to my husband Dan.  Without his love and support the logistics of a trek like this would have nearly been insurmountable.  He gave up his weekends throughout the summer to bring me fresh supplies every Saturday, and was always just a text or email away, all the while never complaining.

"Travel is the discovery of truth; an affirmation of the promise that humankind is far more beautiful than it is flawed.  With each trip comes a new optimism that where there is despair and hardship, there are ideas and people just waiting to be energized, to be empowered, to make a difference for good." 
- Dan Thompson, 'Following Whispers: Walking on the Rooftop of the World in Nepal's Himalayas'.


  1. I just did a "through-read" of your entire blog and it was such a wonderful read. Your magical way with words transported me to the point that I felt almost as though I was going along the trail with you. Thank you for this beautiful tribute to the trail and to our beautiful Ontario wilderness/semi-wilderness. I hope that one day, I'm able to hike at least portions of it. Happy trails!!!!

    1. Thanks so much, Leslie! Your kind words made my day.
      I am so missing being on the Trail this summer. Day hikes just don't seem to cut it anymore. I really need to retire so I can do more hiking!

  2. Hi Cathy, thanks for the detailed account of your hike - I look forward to reading through the whole set of posts. Before I make my own list from your blog, I wonder if you have a log of all the places you stayed at kilometer marks along the way. I hear the biggest challenge for a Bruce Trail through hiker is finding locations to camp.

    1. Hi Zaak, yes, planning the hike was a huge challenge because I did not want to put the Trail in jeopardy by stealth camping on private land. I do still have a list of the wilderness camps/campgrounds/b&bs/motels I utilized during the trip, and if you contact me, I can help you out with that.
      Cheers, and happy hiking!

  3. I just devoured every word of your vlog! Thank you for your contribution to my preparation for my Summer 2020 consecutive days thru-hike of the Bruce...perhaps I may help you relive some of your favourite memories by way of watching my vlog.
